We recommend you read: Are Colonics Right For Me? Prior to your booking:
Improvement in digestion – removing parasites, candida, excess gas, bloating.
Prevention and relief of constipation.
Reduces joint pain and inflammation.
Alleviation of allergies.
Strengthens and tones the muscles of your bowel to promote regularity.
Increases overall energy levels.
Improves immune system function.
Restores hydration from the inside out.
Hormone balance.
Improves skin appearance and complexion.
Maintains PH balance in the blood stream.
Assists with weight loss
Better absorption of vitamins and nutrients
Reduces brain fog and improves concentration.
Reduces anxiety and low moods
Assists fertility in women
May assist patients healing from Cancer
Decreases risk of certain cancers
Improves whole body wellbeing and harmonious functioning